海水準変動と氷床の安定性に関する国際研究集会 PALSEA2 2015 Workshop: Data-Model Integration and Comparison
(2015年7月22-24日 開催)
日 時:平成27年7月22日(水) 8:50~17:50
7月23日(木) 9:00~17:40
7月24日(金) 9:00~17:00
場 所:東京大学大気海洋研究所2F 講堂
〒277-8564 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5 TEL 04-7136-6009
コンビーナー:Glenn Milne, 横山祐典, 阿部彩子, Anders Carlson, Andrea Dutton, Anthony Long
大気海洋研対応者: 横山祐典/高解像度環境解析研究センター(yokoyama◎aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
※本国際研究集会の使用言語は英語です。 ※メールアドレスの「◎」は「@」に変換して下さい。
8:20 Registration (tea/coffee)
8:50 Welcome and introductory remarks
9:00 PALSEA/workshop aims and scope
Session 1: Pre Last Interglacial (LIG)
9:20 Alessio Rovere: Sea level and ice volumes during the Pliocene
9:45 Jaqueline Austermann: The impact of dynamic topography on Mid-Pliocene ice volume estimates (invited)
10:25 Ed Gasson: Miocene Antarctic ice sheet simulations using an asynchronously coupled RCM
10:50 Break
Session 2: LIG
11:20 Andrea Dutton: Assessing the evidence for magnitude and timing of sub-orbital sea level oscillations during MIS 5e
11:45 Bette Otto-Bliesner: The Last Interglacial as a testbed for coupled climate-ice sheet model simulations of past ice sheet and sea level evolution (invited)
12:10 Kim Cohen: Last interglacial transgression rates and high stand duration in the near-field Eemian North Sea
12:35 Pepijn Bakker: Last interglacial equilibrium, transient and sensitivity experiments; going through the existing wealth of climate model output
13:00 Lunch
Session 2: LIG (continued)
14:20 Ayako Abe-Ouchi: What makes the difference in the LIG ice sheet-climate models? Discussion on the LIG model intercomparison project (ISMIP-PMIP)
14:45 Emilie Capron: A new last interglacial temperature data synthesis as an improved benchmark for climate modeling
15:10 Karen Vyverberg: Evaluating the possibility of sub-orbital sea level oscillations using sedimentology, biotic assemblages and stratigraphy of Marine Isotope Stage 5e reefs
15:35 Heiko Goelzer: Impact of ice sheet melt water fluxes on the climate evolution at the onset of the Last Interglacial
16:00 Discussion
16:20 Break
16:50 Posters (Pre-LIG to LIG)
Jo Brendryen: Nordic seas ocean-ice sheet interactions and global sea level between 50 and 150 ka
Miklos Kazmer: Rapid sea-level rise and fall at the end of the last interglacial – bioerosion evidence from Thailand
Stephen Obrochta: Climate variability and ice-sheet dynamics during the last three glaciations
Alessio Rovere: Last Interglacial sea level in the Mediterranean Sea: field data, tectonics and isostatic adjustment
Paolo Stocchi: Four recorded relative sea-level highstands before the mid-Pleistocene transition
Felicity Williams: Scenarios for variation of the MIS 6 Eurasian ice sheet
Masako Yamane: Exposure age and ice-sheet model constraints on Pliocene East Antarctic ice sheet dynamics
Session 3: Post-LIG and deglacial
9:00 Jeremy Fyke: Progress and challenges in coupling ice sheets into the Community Earth System Model (invited)
9:40 Steve George: Modelling northern hemisphere glacial inception and its relation to global sea-level change
10:05 Jorge Alvarez-Solas: Evaluating Greenland ice sheet model performance and paleo reconstructions over the last glacial cycle
10:30 Anders Carlson: Using cosmogenic nuclide inheritance to test ice-sheet model bed-thermal properties on Greenland
10:55 Break
11:25 Nicole Abdul: The Barbados sea level record
11:50 Jenny Stanford: A statistical re-assessment of multiple far-field deglacial sea-level records
12:15 Kelsey Sanborn: Coral reef response to abrupt sea-level rise in Hawaii: Implications for understanding global reef records and deglacial meltwater history
12:40 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
Session 4: Databases
14:20 Nicole Khan: Holocene relative sea-level changes from near-, intermediate- and far-field locations
14:45 Gaylen Sinclair: Using surface exposure ages to test deglacial ice sheet models: A Greenland test case
15:10 Database progress, issues and discussion
15:40 Break
16:10 Posters (post LIG to present and databases)
Amandine Auriac: Earth rheology in the Barents Sea inferred from glacial isostatic adjustment modelling and comparison to relative sea-level data
Natasha Barlow: Testing hypotheses of the last glacial maximum ice cap over South Georgia, sub-Antarctic, using glacio-isostatic adjustment modelling of raised marine features
Mike Bentley: A relative sea-level database for Antarctica
Alberic Botella: Interpreting Holocene sea-level reconstructions from the Tropical Pacific
Martin Brader: Postglacial relative sea-level change and the deglaciation of northwest Iceland
Okuku Ediang: Data management teleconnections of Arctic Oscillation, Southern Oscillation and ocean surges: An Overview in West Africa coastal areas
Fiona Hibbert: Fossil corals and speleothems as markers of past sea levels: Towards a consistent global repository
Takeshige Ishawa: Reappraisal of sea-level lowstand during the last glacial maximum observed in the Bonaparte Gulf, northwestern Australia
Volker Klemann: SLIVISU, update of the visual analytics software for inspection of SLI data and data-model inter-comparison
Benoit Lecavalier: Development towards a full Bayesian calibration of a 3D glacial systems model of the Antarctic ice sheet over the last glacial cycle
Takashi Obase: The responses of Antarctic ice shelves basal melting to climatic forcing under the LGM and a CO2 doubling climate
Jun’ichi Okuno: The development of 3D ice sheet modelling (IcIES) including viscoelastic bedrock deformation: Implications for the relative sea-levels in Greenland
Fuyuki Saito: Development of numerical ice-sheet model (IcIES) and its application of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets
Tim Shaw: Historical sea-level trends from the Croatian Coast of the Adriatic Sea
Tim Shaw: Investigating Late Holocene relative sea-level changes from Chesapeake Bay, U.S. Atlantic Coast
Kristian Vasskog: Constraining mid-Holocene eustatic rise by combining well-dated sea-level records from Scandinavia and global ice sheet modeling
Yurui Zhang: The effect of ice sheets on climate in the early Holocene
18:30 Dinner
Session 5: Holocene
9:00 Michiel Helsen: Reconstructing Holocene Greenland ice sheet history in an ice sheet - earth system model framework
9:25 Benoit Lecavalier: A high-Arctic Holocene climate record
9:50 Yusuke Yokoyama: Holocene Antarctic melting history and long term plate boundary tectonics inferred from sea level observation in southwestern Japan
10:15 Richard Jones: Holocene deglaciation of Antarctica: Steady or rapid?
10:40 Break
11:10 Andrea Hawkes: Relative sea-level changes in Florida during the last 8000 years
11:35 Ben Horton: Common Era sea level database
12:00 Bob Kopp: Sea-level variability over the Common Era
12:25 Matt Brain: Role of sediment compaction as a driver of relative sea-level change reconstructed from salt-marsh sediment
12:50 Lunch
14:10 Discussion and workshop wrap-up
15:00 Tour of AORI Laboratories
17:00 End of Workshop