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UTokyo-NTU Ocean Science Seminar 2015 - Academic and educational exchanges between UTokyo-AORI and IONTU


(2015年12月10日 開催)

Dec 10 (Thu) 13:00 – 17:00
Venue: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Auditorium, Kashiwa Campus
13:00 Opening address (Dr. Y. Sano)
13:10 Message from UTokyo-AORI director (Dr. A. Tsuda)
13:20 Message from IONTU director (Dr. C.-L. Wei)
General presentation 
Physical Oceanography
13:30 Intensification and biological influence of internal tides in the Gaoping submarine canyon off southwestern Taiwan (Dr. S. Jan)
13:50 Decadal and long-term variations of subduction in the northwestern subtropical gyre (Dr. E. Oka)
Marine Biology and Fisheries
14:10 Natal homing and stock mixing of the PBF in the spawning grounds of the Japan Sea and northwestern Pacific Ocean (Dr. J.C. Shiao)
14:30 The role of Kuroshio on the food-web structure and fisheries production off Japan and Taiwan: Remaining issues and future collaboration between UTokyo and NTU (Dr. H. Saito)
Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geochemistry
14:50 Chemical characteristics of the bottom water below a depth of 6,000 m in the Izu-Ogasawara Trench (Dr. T. Gamo)
15:10~15:30 Tea Break
Marine Geology and Geophysics
15:30 Tectonic and sedimentary processes in the western end of the Ryukyu Arc-Trench and backarc system (Dr. C.-S. Liu)
15:50 Geological aspects of megathrust earthquakes in Japan Trench (Dr. A. Yamaguchi)
Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geochemistry
16:10 Gas seeps and chemosynthesis communities offshore SW Taiwan (Dr. S. Lin)
16:30 Inter-disciplinary studies by carbonate geochemical analysis (Dr. K. Shirai)
16:50 Concluding remarks (Dr. Y. Michida)
