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Statistical evaluation of marine ecosystem under data-limited situations

Update: 01. 28, 2015

(Oct. 17, 2014)

Research Meeting in Kashiwa Campus

Date: October 17.2014 (Fri) 10:15-17:00
Venue: meeting room
       Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
       5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi,Chiba 277-8564, JAPAN
       Tel: +81-4-7136-6011
Convenor: Hiroshi Okamura, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, okamura[at]
Contact Person at AORI: Kazuhiko Hiramatsu, khiramatsu[at]

10:15 - 10:35 Integration of marine ecology and machine learning for evaluating ecosystems under data-limited situations
10:35 - 11:15 Toshihide Kitakado (TUMSAT) An attempt to ecosystem modelling for baleen whales and their prey species in Antarctic Ocean
11:15 - 11:55 Osamu Komori (ISM) Assessment of global fish stocks by asymmetric logistic model

11:55 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:10 Momoko Ichinokawa (NRIFS) Stock status of Japanese fishery resources from the point of view of the world
14:10 - 14:40 Shiro Ikeda (ISM) Sparse modelling for ecosystem data
14:40 - 15:20 Hiroshi Okamura, Mitsuyo Mori (NRIFS) Estimation of maximum sustainable yields for world fish species using multiple imputation

15:20 - 15:30 Break

15:30 - 16:10 Shin-ichro Nakayama (NRIFS) Estimation of ecological causality by Convergent Cross Mapping: comparison of the eastern and western Pacific
16:10 - 16:50 Shinto Eguchi (ISM) A generalized MaxEnt model.

16:50 - 17:00 Conclusions (Prof. Kazuhiko Hiramatsu, Prof. Isao Koike)

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Research meeting