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Heat flux and water cycle in relation to cloud, precipitation, and snow

Update: 07. 17, 2012

(Aug. 9-10, 2012)

Research Meeting in International Coastal Research Center

Date:Aug. 9. 2012 (Thu) 13:00-16:30
      Aug. 10. 2012 (Fri)  9:00-12:00
Venue:Otsuchi central public hall
       32-126 Koduchi, Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture 028-1102, JAPAN
       Tel: +81-193-42-3030
Organizer:Sento Nakai (Snow and Ice Research Center, NIED, saint[at]

13:00-13:10  Opening

13:10-14:40  Heat flux, water cycle and disturbances in Baiu frontal zone and tropics
        Session chair: Masaki Katsumata (JAMSTEC)
        3 oral presentations

15:00-16:30  (continued)
        Session chair: Yasu-Masa Kodama (Hirosaki University)
        3 oral presentations

9:00-11:30  Heat flux and water cycle in midlatitude and cold regions
        Session chair: Meiji Honda (Niigata University)
        5 oral presentations

11:30-12:00  General Discussions
        Session chair: Sento Nakai (Snow and Ice Research Center, NIED)

Research meeting